What is Capsule endoscopy?
Capsule Endoscopy allows your doctor to examine the lining of your gastrointestinal tract.
This includes the gullet, stomach, small intestine and the colon. Capsule endoscopy has been in clinical use since the beginning of the millennium and has been largely regarded as the most exciting development in endoscopy since the flexible fibreoptic endoscope was introduced (traditional telescope endoscopy). It is the first remote imaging tool of the gastrointestinal tract that removes the need for intubation, sedation and radiation with all of their inherent risks.
Your doctor will give you a pill sized video camera for you to swallow. It is the size of a large vitamin capsule or jelly bean. This camera has its own light source and takes pictures of your small intestine as it passes through. These pictures are sent to a small recording device you have to wear on your body. Your doctor will be able to view these pictures at a later time and will be able to provide you with useful information regarding the part of your gastrointestinal tract that is being examined.
What conditions does
Capsule endoscopy diagnose?
Capsule endoscopy aids the diagnoses of many diseases and abnormalities within the gastrointestinal tract. These include:

Gastro-oesophageal Reflux (GORD)

Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract
Barrett’s Oesophagus

Crohn’s disease

Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers

Colonic Polyps
Gastric cancer

Colon Cancer

Who are The Capsule Clinic?
The Capsule clinic was the idea of Dr Simon Campbell, a Consultant Gastroenterologist in the North West.
His main sub-specialty is luminal gastroenterology, and has had an extensive history of running Capsule endoscopy services in the NHS and private sector since 2006. He received specialist training under the wing of Professor Tony Morris at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, when capsule endoscopy was first being used. He then ran capsule endoscopy services in Berkshire, and then setup the capsule endoscopy service at Manchester Royal Infirmary, creating one of the busiest capsule endoscopy services in the UK. As technology progressed, so did Capsule endoscopes – which now allows accurate imaging of the gullet, stomach, small intestine and colon.
Dr Simon Campbell has worked with specialist nurse Joanne Hodgins while in Manchester for the last 14 years. Joanne has a specialist interest in Capsule endoscopy and Inflammatory Bowel disease and has now working with The Capsule Clinic.
Sarah Campbell is the practise manager of the The Capsule clinic. She has worked exclusively in the private sector for 14 years with Gastromedicalsolutions LLP and has an unparalleled knowledge of endoscopy procedures, medical insurance, and
delivering exemplary patient care.
Capsule Endoscopy
Capsule Endoscopy allows your doctor to examine the lining of your gastrointestinal tract. This includes the gullet, stomach, small intestine and the colon.
This technology has evolved over the last 15 years, we now can offer specific capsule endoscopes to investigate any part of the gastrointestinal tract.
Different Capsules for different conditions
A capsule for every condition.
Upper GI Capsule Endoscopy
This procedure takes approximately 15 minutes. You will be asked to come to the clinic starved, and on the morning of the procedure you will then be asked to drink pints of water.
Sensors will be attached to your abdomen and chest before being asked to swallow the capsule. During the test, you will then be asked to lie on your back, your side and upright positions.
Once the nurse is satisfied that all the images have been captured, you will be allowed home. The Capsule will eventually be passed into the toilet and can be flushed away. The video will then be examined by a doctor at The Capsule Clinic and a report issued to you within 48hours.
Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy
The day before this procedure you will be asked to change your diet, and drink some laxative during the evening.
On the morning of the test, you will be asked to arrive, having starved from midnight. A belt and recorder unit is placed around your waist. You will be asked to swallow the capsule with a glass of water. Once swallowed, the test has started and you can return home for the remainder of the test.
Once the recorder is returned, it is uploaded onto a computer and 8 hours of video footage will be read by a consultant at The Capsule Clinic. A report will be issued 5 days after the test has been completed.
Colon Capsule Endoscopy
The day before the procedure you will be asked to change your diet and take a strong laxative in the afternoon and evening. This will cleanse the bowel ready for the procedure the following day.
On the day of the procedure a belt and recorder will be attached around your waist and you will be asked to swallow the capsule endoscope with a glass of water. Following this, you will be supervised to drink more laxative at certain points of the test. This can happen in the clinic or possibly surpervised by video link at home.
Once the procedure has finished, the video will be uploaded onto a computer and the video footage interpreted by a consultant at The Capsule Clinic. A report will be issued 5 days after the test has been completed.

Other Non-invasive testing at the Capsule clinic:
Faecal Calprotectin
Faecal analysis to help patients decide whether they need endoscopy or not. This test has been established as the gold standard for excluding inflammatory bowel disease.
qFIT10 faecal testing
Now recognised as an incredibly sensitive test, which alongside clinical assessment helps inform patients symptoms could be caused by bowel cancer or polyps. The qFIT10 test has a threshold of detection nearly 10x higher than the national bowel cancer screening test.
Coeliac antibody (TTG) testing
This simple blood test is hugely sensitive at confirming or excluding gluten allergy (Coeliac disease). Often Coeliac disease can present with symptoms similar to Irritable bowel syndrome.
Endosign testing
This novel capsule test helps to establish whether you have Barrett’s oesophagus. Relatively non-invasive, this involves swallowing a capsule on a string. The capsule dissolved leaving a sponge that is retrieved by the mouth and sent for cellular analysis.
Contact Us
Before any capsule endoscopy is performed, you will require a consultation. This is to assess suitability of the test for your symptoms, explain the procedure in more detail and to explain options on investigating your problem.
Phone: 01625 827826
Email: Hello@thecapsuleclinic.com
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